Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sawubona from South Africa!

Yesterday we had our first South African healthcare experience in Durban. It was eye-opening to say the least. We spent the day working with the nurses from a non-governmental organization called Highway Hospice; Janet, Zee, and Mandla. They were amazing people who took us out into the community to make house calls with them. We all saw different neighborhoods and had different experiences, but in the end each had very special experiences. Meghan and I went out with Zee into Chesterville and Mayorville where we met with three patients all of whom were very sick and dying of either AIDS or cancer. For me it was very emotional....especially when we went to the house of a 27-year-old woman with end-stage AIDS who was emaciated and so sick that she could hardly move. We sat with her and her two cousins while Zee examined her and we held her 10-month-old baby girl. It was devastating to acknowledge her imminent death while embracing the vibrant child who will inevitably become an orphan. It was unbelievable to see how little people have but how they adapt to such limited conditions. The extent of what they need is overwhelming! The Hospice gave us a list of things they could use to give to their patients. Some of those things I will list here and if you want to send something or make a donation to an organization that is doing great things....please do so!

Children's Clothing:
Baby to 16 years old, boys and girls
Children's shoes 0-16 years old boys and girls

Jigsaw Puzzles
Coloring books
Building blocks
Soccer Balls
Cuddley Toys
Children's Books/simple with lots of pictures

Any toys....especially educational!

Please mail toys or clothing to the following address:

Highway Hospice
PO Box 28
Westville 3630
South Africa

Also check out their website and make a donation at

We'll send you more updates on our journey and what we are seeing.......thanks for reading.


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