Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Lamontville on July 26th

Our new friends at the Lamontville Community Soup Kitchen.......they are doing such good work!

Florence (in the front) is truly amazing. She started a soup kitchen only two months ago and it is a huge success. The way she runs the organization seems like she's been at it for years. The volunteers love her! She is feeding about 250 people a day...but this is not enough in a community of roughly 80,000 people. If you want to support her work you can donate to an organization called Sibusiso. Sibusiso is a local organization....(in Boston that is!) that raises money for projects on the ground in South Africa. Florence's soup kitchen is one of them. Go to www.sibusisopartners.org or call 617-731-7751 for more information.

Tala Private Game Reserve on July 17th

Springbok antelope grazing by the lake......

We saw giraffes! Don't worry they were very very friendly....

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Time for relaxation

It is hard to believe that we have less than a week left of our trip. This weekend we went to Ramsgate beach, a fantastic area located south of Durban in a small village on the Indian Ocean.
Our hostesses accompanied us on this trip. We are very grateful to our hostesses for their generosity and their friendship. They have made our stay in South Africa very special.

On Saturday after a refreshing swim at the beach we came back to watch on television part of the celebration of Nelson Mandela's (Madiba) 87th birthday. The celebration took place in Johannesburg during the opening of the rugby championship game between South Africa and Australia. Madiba received the torch which was presented by South Africa's soccer and rugby captains. Afterwards everyone sang the South African national anthem. The national anthem is usually sung in the four most common languages spoken here: Zulu, Sotho, Afrikans, and English. It was a real privilege to see Nelson Mandela enjoying his birthday next to his wife and among so many people who love him.

The weekend brake at the beach was invigorating and rewarding after a very intense week of work.
Wish you were here, Carmen

Friday, July 22, 2005

22 July 2005

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for following our blog so far! It means a lot to us to be able to share our wonderful experiences here in Durban with you :)
Today we met up with Professor Leana Uys who is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Head of College for the Health Sciences Department at the University of Kwazulu-Natal's Westfield Campus. Inge was quite excited to meet up with her colleague and we were fortunate to meet such an inspirational nurse who has applied her nursing role to not only the academic realm, but also nursing research. Professor Uys is the the African representative for Sigma Theta Tau, the International Nursing Honor Society, and has done research surrounding the issue of Stigma and HIV/AIDS.
There is much stigma associated with HIV/AIDS here in Africa. Often times it is the stigma that prevents people from seeking treatment and far too often people are discriminated against and even excommunicated from their friends and families. One of the current studies that Professor Uys is working on is comparing/contrasting stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS in South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Lesotho and Swaziland. It will also be interesting to see how, and if, stigma changes due to the governement roll-out of anti-retroviral medication....another study, I'm sure!
I was immediately drawn to Professor Uys because of her background in psychiatric nursing and her research surrounding stigma and HIV/AIDS. We were able to talk to Professor Uys about her role as a nurse in academic life at the University and what the Nursing role in the South African health system has been like for her.
Next, we head to the beach for the weekend! We are going to Drakensburg right now and I know that someone will update the blog after our weekend!
take care, Meghan

Doris Duke Research Center at the Nelson Mandela Medical School on July 19th, 2005

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Sanibonani abanganes! (Hello friends!) [in Zulu],

South Africa has 11 official languages, which represent only a sprinkling of its myriad cultures and traditions. I was initially surprised at how diverse the urban areas are here, as the apartheid ended a mere 11 years ago. Several South Africans we have met so far seem to think that while much work still needs to be done to undo the damages of apartheid, the country has made mighty and impressive leaps towards building a stronger, better, and more equal society.

We have seen evidence of the social changes occurring all around us, in various forms. Two people mounting programs to elicit social change have really made an impression on me for their dedication, vision and determination. We met a "retired" nurse named Florence who has a contagious laugh and very powerful presence. She meant to relax after retiring recently, but instead she has found herself busier than ever creating soup kitchens and a health/wellness/hospice center in her own community. She is regarded as a leader, and her community trusts her and is embracing the sercices she seeks to bring. And then we cannot forget Darlene. Darlene's an amazing woman who has her hands in all sorts of programs: she set up an income-generation project in a very impoverished area that trains men and women in various trades so that they can get jobs, she has set up a database of unemployed persons so that her group and the government can help to train and then employ those in need, and she has created several systems that are currently being used in hospitals and clinics to tract and distribute medications for HIV. Today, Darlene helped us escape hub-bub of Durban and travelled 2 1/2 hours northwest to the rural hills of a small town named Tugela ferry, where we visited an HIV/AIDS clinic, a hospice and an orphanage. The HIV clinic was full of persons wearing surgical-type masks, as TB is a major problem here. In fact, around 90% of South Africans who have HIV get TB, and the prevalence of HIV in this country is staggering (the latest stats report around 33% of pregnant women as being HIV positive). We were fortunate to meet a caregiver who took us to peoples homes who have suffered from and are surviving the HIV virus with the help antiretroviral medications (ARVs). Everyone - from the city to the towns - has been so curtious, friendly, warm and welcoming to us; in fact, many like to wave at us (except for one chap who waved with one finger in an insultory way! I think he was joking.)

There is major stigma around HIV/AIDS here, which is very difficult to see, but it is also heartbreaking for those infected with the virus. Today we met a young woman whose parents threw her out of their home and refuses to eat anything she cooks b/c of her HIV status. Perhaps this discrimination stems from all of the myths circulating about HIV (i.e that HIV is spead by touch or that the ARVs spread the disease), or b/c people who have HIV have become so sick in the past. But, now that the SA government is finally rolling out ARVs to the population, people are recovering to the point where they are asked "you have HIV? I don't believe you!" Our new friend was very sick and unable to walk 2 years ago, and now she looks incredibly strong and beautiful, thanks to her healthy living, positive spirit and ARVs.

Being here has been an amazing experience, a life-changing one actually. Thanks for checking our blog, and for the visual people out there, Lisa and Carmen will be loading up some of their wonderful pictures soon. sabonga (thanks)!

All the best, Courtney

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Adventure Continues-Experiencing South Africa's Clinics

Hello everyone!

We are now on day 6 of our travels and we are fascinated by the experiences that we have had thus far. We have enjoyed learning about the history and health care system of Durban, South Africa.

This past weekend our adventures included shopping at a local craft fair, a driving tour of the city, and a visit to a game reserve. We also attended an African show entilted "African Footprints." The performance displayed a perspective of the journey of Black Africans from prior to apartheid to the present and concluding with a vision of the future.

IHP President (Chancelor) Ann Caldwell, described the activities of Monday when we visited the nursing department at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Albert Luthuli Hospital. On Tuesday, we continued our tour of the Durban health care system by visiting McCord Hospital and the Doris Duke Research Center at the Nelson Mandela Medical School. We learned of their research that aims to discover an HIV/AIDS vaccine. They have the advantage of collecting a larger number of data sets as a result of the high incidence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Today we visited McCord Hospital where we witnessed a typical clinical day at the Sinikathemba outpatient HIV clinic. The registration process paused to allow a brief morning worship and prayer session, a daily routine. The singing was amazing and the message presented by one of the clinicians was moving. Through conversations with others we quickly became aware that the sessions are considered beneficial to both the patients and staff.

We were impressed by the manner in which the clinicians interacted with the patients. They were supportive and culturally sensitive. They provided pertinent health education in a manner that could be easily understood by the patients. They addressed their spiritual needs as well as their physiological needs. We would like to give a special thanks to all of the clinicians and staff who dedicate themselves to improving the quality of life for those suffering with HIV/AIDS.

Monday, July 18, 2005

A Glimpse of S. African Healthcare and Education

Monday, July 18: We began the day at the University of KwaZulu Natal School of Nursing, which is situated high on a hill overlooking the city and will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year! We were greeted warmly by the faculty and given an overview of nursing education here and how they are reorienting nursing education to serve the needs of the different communities in this changing country. Over tea, we shared the history and mission of the Institute and had a chance to learn from one another; the UKZN faculty were especially interested in the diverse backgrounds of Institute students and graduates.

We next went to the brand new Inkosi Albert Luthulu Central Hospital, an extraordinary "quaternary" hospital created by the SA government to represent the best practices and latest technology in healthcare. We met with the senior management team who described for us the mission, organization and services of the hospital. We then toured the hospital, visiting an ICU, a critical care unit and their staff development department. The hospital has a fully implemented electronic medical records system and relies heavily on IT systems, requiring extensive staff training and orientation.

It was a full and interesting day! There's a lot to be learned in South Africa. Ann

Ann Caldwell

Let me introduce myself. I'm Ann Caldwell, President of the Institute, and I joined the group on Saturday after spending two weeks touring in other parts of South Africa and will be with them until I return home to Boston and Providence on July 20. As it is for all of the Institute students and graduates on this trip, it is my first visit to South Africa and first to this vast continent.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

From Logan Airport (Gate A7) to Durban, South Africa (outside)

Sawubona from South Africa!

Yesterday we had our first South African healthcare experience in Durban. It was eye-opening to say the least. We spent the day working with the nurses from a non-governmental organization called Highway Hospice; Janet, Zee, and Mandla. They were amazing people who took us out into the community to make house calls with them. We all saw different neighborhoods and had different experiences, but in the end each had very special experiences. Meghan and I went out with Zee into Chesterville and Mayorville where we met with three patients all of whom were very sick and dying of either AIDS or cancer. For me it was very emotional....especially when we went to the house of a 27-year-old woman with end-stage AIDS who was emaciated and so sick that she could hardly move. We sat with her and her two cousins while Zee examined her and we held her 10-month-old baby girl. It was devastating to acknowledge her imminent death while embracing the vibrant child who will inevitably become an orphan. It was unbelievable to see how little people have but how they adapt to such limited conditions. The extent of what they need is overwhelming! The Hospice gave us a list of things they could use to give to their patients. Some of those things I will list here and if you want to send something or make a donation to an organization that is doing great things....please do so!

Children's Clothing:
Baby to 16 years old, boys and girls
Children's shoes 0-16 years old boys and girls

Jigsaw Puzzles
Coloring books
Building blocks
Soccer Balls
Cuddley Toys
Children's Books/simple with lots of pictures

Any toys....especially educational!

Please mail toys or clothing to the following address:

Highway Hospice
PO Box 28
Westville 3630
South Africa

Also check out their website and make a donation at www.hospice.co.za

We'll send you more updates on our journey and what we are seeing.......thanks for reading.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

We're here

We're here in Durban after 29 hours of travelling. We got settled and took a walk around our environs. Costa and Jenny had us to dinner along with some other colleagues from the States. It was a lovely evening. We go to a hospice tomorrow AM. Time to sign off and get some real sleep. All the Best from all of us. INGE

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Hi Everyone. I'm Lisa...another recent graduate from the IHP Nursing Program. I specialized in Acute Care and I currently work as an RN in the urgent care department at Upham's Corner Health Center in Dorchester. I have so many reasons for wanting to go on this trip...........one of which is to explore South Africa's rich culture and beauty. However, I also value the opportunity to have an insider's look at the health status of this diverse country. I have studied some of the social and political influences of diseases like HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, so witnessing it first hand will be really eye-opening. I hope to learn and grow a lot during this trip. We'll keep you posted on our adventures!

Less than one day and we're going

Can't believe that 24 hours from now we'll be over that Atlantic and enroute to Durban with stops in Sal, Cape Verde and Johannesburg.
All of this has more meaning since I completed reading Long Walk to Freedom, the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, a book required for this course.
Amazing story, amazing country, amazing people. We also watched a film about Steve Biko, an other impressive individual, in preparation for this educational experience.
Have my passport and my tickets. The group meets after clearing customs. It's a very early flight. Hope we all get there. Will let you know! Inge

Monday, July 11, 2005


My name is Meghan and I am a third year Adult NP Student at the Institute. International Health has always been an interest of mine and I am honored to be going on this trip to South Africa! Currently I am working as a nurse on a thoracic surgery/ oncology floor at Mass General Hospital. I know that there will be a world of difference between Boston and Durban...I know I will truly value this international health experience and that it will forever change my perspective of health, wellness and illness. I look forward to sharing more of my experience as it unfolds! :)

Two days and counting

Only two more days and we'll be taking off for South Africa. We're all getting excited and have lots to do before taking off. The most important thing for us to do is to remember our passports or we won't be able to leave much less return. And while the bombings in London are distressing to say the least, we take our cue from all of our friends in England and are just getting on with it.
By understanding more about health care in South Africa, we learn more about international collaboration around issues of common concern. The only fireworks we're interested in are those of celebration because we're working jointly to improve the health care received by our patients and the citizens of the world. Inge

Friday, July 08, 2005


Hi, My name is Carmen. I am a recent graduate from IHP. I am presently working as an RN as St. E's. I am very exited about the trip and looking forward to this wonderful experience. I hope that we are able to learn from our colleagues in S. Africa and perhaps be able to help them in their difficult endeavour. This is my first time on a "blog" I hope that this page is helpful to other IHP students that may be thingking about taking this course next year.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hi, my name is Courtney, and I am a 3rd year student in the family nurse practitioner program at the IHP. I've been craving an African adventure for years and am very excited to share our jouney and experiences with you! However, I must admit, my love for travel and learning about other cultures has not helped to alleviate my fear of flying (hopefully there'll be some good movies for distraction).


Hello everyone. I would like to introduce myself, I am Nikki. I am a recent graduate of the IHP, receiving a MSN. I am currently working as a pediatric RN at NEMC's Floating Hospital for Children. I am excited about this upcoming trip to S. Africa and sharing my experiences with all of you.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

8 Days and counting

8 Days from now, we'll be on our way. It will be winter in South Africa, but the sort of temperature that some people will be in shorts by the afternoon, as it will have warmed up considerably. In the morning however, we'll need jackets as it will be chilly in the way it was in Boston in May. The excitement grows.

Opening Page

This blog will chronicle the experiences of students in an international health experience course in Durban, South Africa. The "students" (recent graduates and 3rd year students from the graduate program in Nursing) are from the MGH Institute of Health Professions located in Boston, Massachusetts.

Departure for Durban is scheduled for 6:10 EST 7/13/2005, with the group arriving in SA the 14th. Look back here for posts both prior to and after departure. The purpose of the course is to expose students to international health care in a country with varied health care challenges.

This blog is being shared betweeen all the students and the professor in this class. We'll introduce ourselves in a later post, but for now, I, Inge am making the initial posts. I'm the professor of this class, I've been a practicing Nurse for many years and a faculty member at the MGH Institue of Health Professions for 12 years. I've been very involved in various international healthcare projects. My books are a sample of the variety of subjects in Healthcare that I'm very interested in. Here is my Google Scholar link.